May 15, 2016

Fixing the pedal effect Zoom 707 II Guitar

If you have a pedal effect Zoom 707 II for Guitar and it makes some cracking noises, probably sooner or later will stop working, as it happened to me. This is an old pedal effect I have since 2003, I remember I paid for it about 270 €. I used it a lot, and apparently because it was always on the floor and sometimes when people walked over it, kicked or stepped on the cables, this jack connectors eventually got damaged.

So I decided to open it and see if I could fix it.
The first thing you have to do is to remove the three potenciometers, right under the brand, pull them off gently.
Then flip the pedal, and start unscrewing. When you are done, be careful when you open it, because there is a cable connecting the cover to the Wah pedal, you can just disconnect it pulling it off.

So here it is, the internal circuit board, after 11 years it doesn't have so much dust.
As you can see there two jack connectors. Mine had the input connector damaged

As you can see in the center of the image below, on the right hand side of the spring, there are 3 weldings, these are, +, - and ground.
When I connected the Jack, and swinged it a bit it, I could see that one of the welding was moving, this avoid the signal to go through.
So I took my soldering machine and I just drop a bit of solder wire on it, and done, I have pedal effect for 10 more years


  1. hi can you tell me step for checking ..because my effect zoom 707 dead

  2. Didn't think to check when plugging in after opening. Will open again and see. Thanks!

  3. Hai, Zoom 707II saya ada masalah pada bagian modulasi, tidak bisa menggunakan chourus, delay dll

    apakah bisa bantu saya untuk memperbaiki nya ?
